Applicant Name:
Date of Application:
02/15/2025 1458 |
Section 1: Membership Status and Annual Dues |
Please check the appropriate membership in which you are applying:
Senior Member (18 years of age and up)
Junior Member (16 and 17 years of age)
Administrative Member (16 years of age and up)
Annual Dues:
Dues are $5.00 for all members 18 years and older.
Dues for membership applications between the ages of 16 and 17 are free.
Section 2: Personnel Information |
Last, First, Middle
Nickname or preferred name:
Date of Birth:
Are you a citizen of the United States:
If no, do you have the legal right to remain permanently in the United States:
Street, City, State, Zip, County
Length of time at current residence:
Phone # (mobile preferred):
Have you ever been a member of the Junior Fire Company:
If yes, please detail:
Are you now or have you ever been a member of another fire, rescue or EMS organization:
If you answered yes above, please detail:
Do you now or have you ever held any fire, rescue or medical certifications or licensure:
If you have fire, rescue or medical certifications please list below:
Have any of the above certifications ever been suspended or revoked:
If your certifications ever been suspended or revoked, please explain below:
Are there any skills or experiences you possess that would be beneficial to the organization:
Please list the skills or experiences you possess that would be beneficial to the organization:
Section 3: Emergency Contact Information |
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Relationship:
Emergency Contact Phone Number:
Section 4: Criminal Background
Do you have any significant traffic convictions:
Please list any significant traffic convictions below:
Have you ever been convicted of a crime:
Please explain in detail any history of convicted crimes:
Section 5: Military Experience |
Are you currently serving in the US Military:
Have you ever served in the US Military:
If yes, dates of service:
Type of discharge:
Discharge date:
Section 6: Education History |
Please list the highest level of education you have completed:
College #1:
Date Graduated College #1:
College #2:
Date Graduated College #2:
Trade School:
Date Graduated Trade School:
Are you currently in School (college/high school):
Are you currently enrolled in a High School Fire/EMS program:
Have you taken a high school Fire/EMS program:
Grade level or college status:
High School:
Year Graduated or GED received:
High School Address:
Section 7: Employment History |
Please list the most recent employer first, then go backward in chronological order. Please
include volunteer experience. |
Company #1:
Company #1 Address:
Company #1 Phone Number:
Company #1 Supervisor:
Company #1 Job Title:
Can we contact Company #1 for a reference:
Company #2:
Company #2 Address:
Company #2 Phone Number:
Company #2 Supervisor:
Company #2 Job Title:
Can we contact Company #2 for a reference:
Section 8: References |
Please give the names of three people not related to you, that you have known for at least one
year that we may contact as a reference. |
Reference #1 Name:
Reference #1 Address:
Reference #1 Phone:
Reference #1 Years Acquainted:
Reference #1 How Acquainted:
Reference #2:
Reference #2 Address:
Reference #2 Phone:
Reference #2 Years Acquainted:
Reference #2 How Acquainted:
Section 9: Certification and Authorization |
Electronic Signature of Applicant:
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian (Junior members only):
I hereby certify that the statements contained herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand should an investigation disclose misrepresentation, omissions or falsifications, my application may be rejected. My signature indicates that I understand that a job of a firefighter and/or EMT provider is physically challenging and my membership as an operational member is dependent upon successful completion of a medical examination, as well as successful completion of minimum training requirements. Administrative members are not required to complete a medical evaluation. I agree to abide by the By-Laws, rules and regulations of the Junior Fire Company No. 2, Inc. I acknowledge understanding those provisions outlined in this application.
